No matter what property you’re trying to protect, a trust is an important tool to consider adding to your estate plan. Below, we’ve answered common questions to help no matter your trust needs.
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Understanding Trusts:
A trust holds assets so that they can be passed down to one’s beneficiaries. This estate planning method establishes a fiduciary relationship in which a trustor (person establishing the trust) gives a trustee (person/entity who manages the trust) the authority to handle assets for the trustor’s beneficiaries (those for whom the trust was created).
Think of a trust as a container and assets as the contents. Tangible property like houses and jewelry can be placed in a trust, as can intangible property, like stocks and business interests.
Trusts can be especially useful for those with large estates, to ensure assets are efficiently distributed to beneficiaries, to avoid probate court, and to bypass or reduce certain taxes.
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Understanding trusts means understanding trust-related vocabulary. We’ve broken down some important trust terms to help paint a clearer picture of what’s involved with this estate planning tool.
There are many types of trusts, each useful for different reasons. We’ve broken down several common categories of trusts below.
Revocable trusts (also known as living trusts or revocable living trusts) are established during the trustor’s lifetime, becoming active the moment the trustor signs the document. They only become permanent once the trustor dies. Revocable trusts can be altered or revoked by the trustor at any time prior to the their death.
Property used to fund revocable trusts must be placed in the name of the trust. This means that a house placed in a trust will technically no longer belong to the trustor—it will belong to the trust. Even so, in most cases the trustor will retain control of the property until their death. This is because, with revocable trusts, the trustor and trustee are often the same person. Property placed in a revocable trust can even be sold by the trustee without needing to revoke the trust.
Since revocable trusts can be changed throughout the trustor’s life, they provide a certain amount of flexibility. In addition to their flexibility, a benefit of revocable trusts is that they often avoid probate court, which can save beneficiaries money and time.
Irrevocable trusts are active during the trustor’s lifetime and cannot be easily altered. Many states only allow alterations if all beneficiaries consent, and the process can be convoluted, difficult, and varied.
When assets are placed in an irrevocable trust, they are no longer the trustor’s property—they’re the property of the trust until they pass to beneficiaries after the trustor’s death or some other named date or condition. Unlike revocable trusts, which allow trustors to retain control of assets, irrevocable trusts require trustors to relinquish control of any assets placed in the trust.
When assets are placed in an irrevocable trust, it is harder for them to be taxed or to be claimed as debt payments by the trustor’s creditors. Irrevocable trusts also avoid the probate process, which can add to their appeal.
Testamentary trusts are created via the terms of a will, only becoming valid after the death of the trustor. As such, testamentary trusts are irrevocable, as they can’t be altered once activated after the trustor’s death.
Testamentary trusts do not avoid probate court. Since testamentary trusts are set out in a will, they are subject to the same probate process that wills are subject to. In fact, it is only after the will goes through probate that the trust is created.
While some may consider probate court a downside of testamentary trusts, these trusts may provide some benefits. They can be especially useful if beneficiaries are young because testamentary trusts allow for the inclusion of specific rules regarding when the trust’s assets should be distributed or how they should be used. Testamentary trusts can also help shield assets from a beneficiary’s creditors.
For a trust to be valid, several requirements must be met. While individual states or institutions may have additional requirements when it comes to creating a valid trust, some essentials are true across the board.
In every trust, specific parties must be named and asset ownership must be transferred to the name of the trust. So, a trust isn’t solely made up of the trust agreement—it also includes paperwork that transfers asset ownership, such as deeds and titles. We go over these requirements in more detail below.
One of a trust’s requirements simply has to do with the document’s language and the roles assigned within. To be valid, a trust must identify the following parties:
Before a trust can become valid, it must be funded, meaning property must be transferred into the name of the trust. Simply drafting a trust agreement is insufficient—you also need to include documents that transfer asset ownership. While a transfer of ownership needs to occur for all assets placed in a trust, the required paperwork varies based on the type of property and the rules set forth by individual states and institutions.
Below are a few common types of assets that fund trusts and some of the paperwork that may be required to make the transfer.
Creating a trust agreement often doesn’t take too long. The more time consuming piece is transferring property into the trust. Depending on what you’re transferring, this process can take upwards of weeks or months. Trusts may also need to be maintained and updated as situations change, such as going through a divorce or acquiring assets.
At Law on Call, we can draft your trust, review a trust you already have in place, and/or update your trust as needed.
In the “who needs a trust” discussion, a couple factors play a large part. The first centers around age and health. Healthy, middle-aged people are perhaps less likely to need a trust than older people, or those in poor health. Wealth is also an important factor. Those with more assets might be more inclined to create a trust than those of moderate or lower wealth. There are other factors to consider, too, such as marital status and if there are specific rules around when you want your assets distributed to beneficiaries.
Ultimately, whether you need or want a trust will come down to your specific situation. At Law on Call, we can help you determine which type of trust (if any) is right for you.
You do not necessarily need to have a trust and a will, but many people choose to have both documents in place. A will tends to be a more simple document that states what assets should go to whom. A trust, on the other hand, tends to be more detailed and actually holds assets prior to their distribution. Most people with estate plans have a will at a minimum.
No. Some trusts must go through probate, specifically testamentary trusts. Since testamentary trusts are set forth in a will, and wills must go through probate, testamentary trusts are subject to the same process. Revocable and irrevocable trusts bypass probate. However, if any assets are left out of these trusts, those left-behind assets may be subject to probate.
All kinds of assets can be transferred to a trust, from a house to a stamp collection to your interest in a business. As long as it’s an asset that you own, there are few limits to what can be placed in a trust. Ultimately, what you place in your trust will depend on the type of trust you create, as well as your reasons for establishing the trust.
A trust’s assets are owned by the trust itself. The trustee is the steward of the assets. While some sources say that the trustee is the owner of a trust’s assets, this isn’t accurate. If a trustee were deemed to own the assets, it would only be in the sense that the trustee has the right and responsibility to manage the trust’s assets—the trustee would not have the right to do with the assets what they want for their own benefit.